Saturday, May 23, 2009

Open house

Hahas. Open House'09 was AWEsome!!! It was super cool and Waddle rocks. The cheerleaders were so superb! I thought the Kamate kamate song was really fun and their moves too! So there. Waddle simply rocks. Yupp. Hmm, the Biology booth was interesting and I had a good time talking to the parents. It's good to see that people are interested in what we do for Biology PT (Which is really cool). The other booths were so GREAT too! Well done RGS! :) Sighs, 1 of the 4 open houses I will be experiencing in my life in RGS is officially over. Still, it was fun today, and I wish Open House'10 will be equally interesting and bustling with people! :D

~When the oceans rise and thunders fall, I will soar with you above the storm~


Priya, 29 said...

Hey Melissa :D

ruitong said...

remember the three-headed chicken. ahaha :D

Anonymous said...

hi melissa!
hope sec two's been super duper fun so far :) do you have a mortal yet?
missing you ex-little sec ones loads and loads already.
love, claire